Georgian Bay Roots

Georgian Bay Roots #272 Dec 19 2021 (with Kailey)



'Tis the season to be jolly and to listen to great music, and this episode of Georgian Bay Roots Radio has tracks to help guide your sleigh and trim your tree. This week on the show we've got old favourites, brand new music, and even some tracks to celebrate a birth...tune in to hear it all! Featuring tracks by Old Man Luedecke, Sandy Harron, The Good Lovelies, The O'Pears, Matt Andersen, Cheryl Wheeler, Dala, Serena Ryder, John Gracie, The Once, Fred Penner, Esther's Family, Sharon Lois and Bram, Lesley Pike, Reid Jamieson and a brand new track from Kerri Ough!