Georgian Bay Roots

Georgian Bay Roots #271 Dec 12 2021 (with Tom)



Press play to hear a smorgasbord of songs, a mess of music, a bit of a grab bag inspired by the return of live music at home and in the city. Hear The Sadies, Charlie Glasspool and the Big Love, Caribou Vibration Ensemble, Bon Iver covering Beverly Glenn Copeland, Buffy Ste. Marie, a hat trick of Collingwood sounds from Ian Haworth, Melissa Dawne and Moondoggy. Discover what momentous decisions Owen Sound's Bryan Leckie and Flesherton's Eli Prociw made and listen in to their musical wavelengths. Find out where I ran into Paul Riddick & Kyle Ferguson, and where amd why I was talking up Cheghano, and, since it's that time of year: a holiday favourite courtesy of The Band.