Mads Singers Management Podcast

MSMP 128: Lincoln Kokaram on Building Relationships with Your Team and Management Development



Today's guest for the Mads Singers Management Podcast is Lincoln Kokaram. Lincoln is a keynote speaker and the former director and vice president of Jaycee International. Although he was already living the good life, Lincoln says that divine intervention plucked him out of paradise and set him on course for more incredible things. Because of these experiences, Lincoln found his true calling in leadership development and management development. Also a coach, Lincoln specializes in passion because he believes that people who have the passion for what they do will excel in life. While we can do almost everything, those who have passion are much more productive than their peers who go through life. They excel in life as they work smarter and are not a slave to their business. Although keeping tabs on your employees' progress may be a decisive move to some, Lincoln says that this is not the way to go, but instead, business owners should trust their employees and let them do their work at their own pace and use the