Ladies of the Fright

LOTF 76: Tropisode #8 | Forests with Katherine Silva



This episode is brought to you by the Ladies of the Fright Patreon! When we hit our goal of 30 patrons, we’ll begin paying authors $25 for short story reprints! We’ve got tons of exclusive content for patrons at every tier. Head on over to and join our community today! Show Notes For our eighth tropisode, we're talking FORESTS with debut author Katherine Silva. Katherine Silva is a Maine author of dark fiction, a connoisseur of coffee, and victim of cat shenanigans. She is a two-time Maine Literary Award finalist for speculative fiction and a member of the Horror Writers of Maine, The Horror Writers Association, and New England Horror Writers Association. Katherine is also a founder of Strange Wilds Press, Dark Taiga Creative Writing Consultations, and The Kat at Night Blog. Her latest book, The Wild Dark, is now available wherever books are sold. AND as you all know, Lisa Quigley is a horror author and pagan witch. She holds an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Cali