Double Deuce Podcast

320: The Boxing Day Episode! (w/ the mayor!)



Lawrence Mayor Courtney Shipley is back with us in the future past as we recorded this bad boy back on the 12th and today is Boxing Day! Happy Boxing Day, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, chill vibes, we love you! We may refer to this episode as number 319 but rest assured it’s episode 320. 319 was our live holiday episode last week. Blame the beer and the time travel! The Notes: Do you enjoy our number antics? Please check this box! #LadyDemographics! Happy Boxing Day again! We’re in the future! Courtney came here to bury capitalism, not praise it. Courtney has enough signs that say “believe,” thank you! Believe vs Don’t Stop Believin’, who would win!? Marry, Fuck-word, Kill: Live, Laugh, Love! Will and Nelson are civilian wig experts, wigonados, if you will! Like Jesus said, “Blessed are the wigmakers!” Will’s writer quality scale— 1) Marcel Proust, 2) James Joyce, 3) John Irving, 4) the Witcher Guy, 5) Dan Brown— all other writers fit somewhere within this scale! Lost in Space poop talk! Teaching our kids