Sistapoochie/ Minister Mccarty

Celebrating The Life Of Elder Faye May 2018



Elder Faye was the Elder Of The Ministry, Treasure, and Bible Study Teacher for 10 yrs at the Journey Home Outreach Miniastries. Please Join us as we Celebrqate he Life as she dancess around Heaven finnally home. We are a Bible based ministry and Elder Faye loved teaching the word. We have 10 years of lession that weill be avaiable at our website Dj Shyheim has mad a spwcial Mix in her Honor..come get your praise on Bible Study is one of the best things you can do. The Bible has many treasures and truths that you did not know are there. Bible Study is always a worthwhile endeavor and though sometimes it takes a bit of work, the treasures are worth finding. Join the Ministries' Elder and together discover the only true God and Jesus Christ whom he sent for in this is our Salvation! John 17:3 "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, handling accurately the word of truth," 2 Tim. 2:15