Mads Singers Management Podcast

MSMP 130: Eric Spencer on Leadership Development and Relationship Management



Today’s guest for this episode of the Mads Singers Management Podcast is Eric Spencer.Eric is the COO for SkyeTeam, a boutique leadership development consultancy based in Denver, Colorado. Although the company has been around since 2007, it wasn’t until 2011 when Eric came on board. He has worked for several companies, including technology, hardware and software, startups, and even Fortune 50 companies.Eric’s passion is helping companies, organizations, teams, groups, and individuals improve as leaders, managers, coaches, mentors, and human beings.Many business owners tend to come up with many ideas from time to time, whether it’s a new business venture, a new investment, a new invention, or even a new way of doing things. However, while these may sound good, it won’t be successful if business owners and entrepreneurs won’t develop their staff.Eric shares his Two-Five-Fifteen (2-5-15) system where: 2 is about face-to-face meetings on Zoom, five is for five reach-outs using either phone calls, LinkedIn messagi