Monday Morning Marketeer

Monday Morning Marketeer, 12 Ways to Repurpose Media Interviews & Podcasts



Constantly developing new topics and shows for a podcast can be a chore, take it from someone who has done 5 to 6 different shows for eight years. | Show topics alone require a great deal of work. And what about that hard earned media interview? You have already worked hard to get it and now what, it's just there?| As far as podcasts, you have already done the research and promotion so why not find ways to repurpose and thereby repromote thereby extending the life of this media bonanza and your organic search results.| Instead of always coming up with new ideas, why not repurpose the old. Repurposing already existing media can add to your exposure and increase your ROI.| Conent repurposing is just simply taking an existent piece of media and making it fresh by changing the angle or hook with which it is presented or can be as simple as changing the format or hi-lighting a piece of it. This can lower your content marketing costs, expand your audience and your sphere of influence.| Listen in to learn 12 Ways t