Mads Singers Management Podcast

MSMP 131: Tasneem Ali on The Power of Authentic Leadership Presence and Harnessing LinkedIn for Hiring Great Staff



My guest for this episode of the Mads Singers Management Podcast is the ambitious introvert Tasneem Ali. Tasneem is an authentic leadership coach at Fervent Living and the Client Director for Online Audience Measurement at IPSOS. As an ambitious introvert herself, Tasneem loves helping her fellow introverts grow in their way while growing in their career by creating an authentic leadership presence.Most of the time, new business owners will hire people in their likeness or those who resemble their personalities and traits in one way or another. While this may seem like an excellent way to get the ball rolling, it can create problems later on, mainly if a conflict arises in the company or workplace; this can lead to severe issues with your staff and even investors if not checked. However, to win at having the right team, one has to hire right, and in doing that, one has to understand what they are as a person, what kind of people you work well with, and who you are looking for. While there are tons of ways to