Double Deuce Podcast

323: Applebee's Ass Controversy



ZOOMING IN THE NAME OF! The Notes: Sorry to Applebee’s for reminding everybody of that ill-conceived ass-related ad campaign of our youths! Lots of places have got the meats, honestly. Will commits Orbeez erasure, and Nelson is no hero either! Get your tests at Orchards and some meats at Yoder Meats! Kids, watch out for the beeping and for the trademarks! Will’s Sports Corner Chiefs Wild Card Preview! Will says a lot of numbers! Pittsburgh hates children! Iceburgh the Penguin is a menace and the police are powerless to stop him! We care about the kids! Contact Us! Follow Us! Love Us! Email: Twitter & Instagram: @doubledeucepod Facebook: Also, please subscribe/rate/review/share us! We’re on iTunes, Android, Libsyn, Stitcher, Google, Spotify,, RadioPublic, pretty much anywhere they got podcasts, you can find the Deuce! Podcast logo art by Jason Keezer! Find his art online at Keezograms! Intro & Outro featuring Rob Schulte! Check out his