Somebody Likes It

One Year Mixtape Show



YEEEHAAAAAAAAAA!!! “What’s all the fussin’ about Shane?” -You People Well, I’ll tell you. We made it. We did it. We didn’t get fired (yet). It’s been a year since we started doing this damn thing, and Ryan even brought in a bottle of bubbly to commemorate the occasion. So in order to celebrate our first 365 days on ONEOFUS.NET we decided to do a supersized mixtape show for you guys. A mixtape show is pretty much the same as a regular show, only instead of just discussing one album, we all pick videos to surprise each other with, and alternate until no man is left alive. Or something like that. Also it was supposed to tie in with Memorial Day, but we couldn’t even get our shit together enough to even do that. Regardless, we think it’s a pretty amusing show and we hope you do too. And now the Players: KEVIN NEWSUM: Bleachers: I Wanna Get Better Is there anything that Jack Antonoff writes that isn’t anthemic? That word made a repeat appearance as we discussed this track and its corresponding video, wherein