Somebody Likes It

Cocteau Twins - Heaven or Las Vegas



Well, SXSW came and went, and all of were still of (relatively) sound mind and body, so we decided to congregate in Mark’s garage and do the show. This week we were joined by our good friend Marcus Rice and we graciously allowed him to choose this week’s album, Heaven or Las Vegas, The Cocteau Twins 1990 effort. A fine time was had by all and much spirited discussion ensued. Buy "Heaven or Las Vegas" ### A Few Minutes With ### We briefly turned our attention to [Higher by Creed]() in which Scott Stapp takes a messianic flight above the crowd. I felt like pickin a butt rock video as a way to ease everyone into my album pick next week. ### A Current Affair ### Ryan fucked everything up. I personally think the rules are pretty easy for this segment, just pick a song released within the last 12 months. But he chose the song [D.A.N.C.E. by the French duo Justice]() (the t is spelled using a crucifix, but I don’t have those fancy font capabilities), a song that was released in 200fucking7! All he had to