Somebody Likes It

Janet Jackson - Control



When I was in 5th grade, the hot girls in my school would choreograph dance routines to Janet Jackson’s “Control”. So naturally I’ve always had a soft spot for that record. I mean, I don’t like the songs, and would never ever choose to listen to them, but for some reason I’ve always thought fondly of it. Nonetheless, Ryan and Kevin had a different take on it. Ryan especially hated it. This week we had our first special guest, Jeff Ryder. Jeff actually thought the record was hot, and he was a fan. Purchase Control on Amazon ### A Few Minutes With ### Jeff was so much a fan of Ryan’s pick for this week’s standalone song, [When in Rome’s heartwarmingly creepy “The Promise”]( While Ryan, Kevin and I all thought the song was pretty good, Jeff fucking despised it. See, Jeff used to work at a piano bar for many years and had to experience so many drunken sorority girl sing-a-longs set to “The Promise”, the song makes him want to stab his eyes out. Regardless, we loved ha