Somebody Likes It

Vampire Weekend



Oh the things I wanted to say about Vampire Weekend before I was actually forced to listen to their eponymous album (wait for it) “Vampire Weekend”. I was prepared to like it way more than its preppy pedigree (I did)…I was prepared to hear myself deconstruct the album along those lines. But a funny thing happened on the way to getting to where I knew I was gonna get. I ended up really liking the damn thing. Well at least half of it. You can hear all about it in this week’s show. Purchase Manipulator on Amazon ### A Few Minutes With ### Also this week we have a few minutes with one of my personal least favorite songs of the late 90’s [“You Get What You Give” by The New Radicals.]( Next week, we have our first guest, Jeff Ryder, and we talk about Janet Jackson’s “Control.” Lovely.