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DIO - Holy Diver



RONNIE JAMES DIO. It’s nearly impossible to speak the man’s name in any manner other than in all caps. And yeah, the Brothers Newsum met with their ally Shane Bartell in Kevin’s un-air-conditioned lair in order to drink flagons of mead (or chalices of American craft beers) and tell tales of their fallen King, Ronnie James Dio, he of the mighty voice and the tiny legs. Ok, I’m already tired of that schtick. Let’s just say it was only fitting that we discussed “Holy Diver” while sitting in a garage. The humble American garage, where so many Dungeons and Dragons games have been played over the years to a soundtrack of Dio. Not in Kevin’s garage mind you, just in a bunch of other ones. During the course of the show we discovered Ronnie James Dio had an early career as a Doo-Wop singer. Which is kind of mind-blowing. The music wasn’t half bad, but as it’s so rare, we weren’t able to rustle up any tracks to play on air, so you’ll have to look it up yourself. Purchase Holy Diver on Amazon