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Labor Day Mix Tape Show



THE SUPER BADASS LABOR DAY MIX-TAPE SHOW!!!! So, after last week’s show (where-in we discuss the objectively god awful “Live Through This”), Ryan, Kevin, and Myself were having a well-deserved post-show beer (look, this shit is hard…not like lifting a car over your head hard, more like convincing your nephew that there’s no more “rest of the candy” hard) and we decided to do something special for our Labor Day show. Kevin wisely pointed out that no-one would even hear the show until like 10 days after Labor Day, but I didn’t see any reason to act like it didn’t even happen (yeah, apparently Kevin is spearheading a “War on Grilling Out”…where’s your outrage Bill O’Reilly?). After all, we could just tell everybody what the deal was. Eventually, I won this argument. We settled in to discuss the format. Several weeks ago we had begun entertaining the idea of a companion show. Well, not really a companion show, rather a Chester the Terrier to our Spike the Bulldog. The idea basically would be where we normally tal