My Creative Life By Nancy Miller

100 Tara Garrigan, Illustrator



Hi Everyone! Today I spoke with Tara Garrigan, a fellow member of the Society of Children's Books Writers and Illustrators. She talked about her art journey and the 2 businesses she runs. Here is a bit about Tara: Tara creates with the intent to mesmerize and inspire. Her art is generally whimsical, vibrant, imaginative, and always leaves the viewer with a story to contemplate. She works in all mediums but mainly creates in watercolor and ink. More than anything, Tara's work is inspired by her vivid dreams and the mysteries of the universe. She often finds that her most recurring themes are trees, aquatic life, imaginary creatures, and organically shaped buildings. She also enjoys finding inspiration from other artists around the globe while drinking tea and browsing magazines at the bookstore. See her work at: YouTube @TheEverythingArtTeacher "Captain Savannah" Book on Amazon Thanks for listening! Nancy Miller Illustration Social Media Portfolio: http://www.nmillerillustra