Breaking Money Silence

If my adult children are college educated, do I need to talk to them about family finances? | Episode 13



Jim Silbernagel, CFP® LUTCF, Real Wealth®, Registered Advisor with Woodbury Financial Services, Inc. Jim was motivated to discuss this myth because it can be heartbreaking to see situations when the parents pass away and fights over the will resulted in their children not speaking to each other again. Estate planning is a crucial conversation parents need to have with their adult children. However, some parents believe that if their kids are smarter than they were, then they don’t need to talk to them about money. The truth is it’s always important to communicate with your family about finances. Join us for today’s episode and find out how to bust this myth wide open and engage in important conversations about money and estate planning with family members.  Jim Silbernagel is an independent agent registered with Woodbury Financial Services, Inc. and the creator and host of Real Wealth®, an online radio program for insurance and financial professionals. He entered the insurance and financial business over th