Grace & Grit Podcast: Helping Women Everywhere Live Happier, Healthier And More Fit Lives

Episode 268: Facing the Truth of Your Life



Who you are currently being in the world is a culmination of the things you have practiced so many times you have quite literally become those things. Clients will often say, “that’s just the way I am” as if they are bound to that way of being forever. Not true! If your practices to this point in your life shaped your current state of being, new practices can develop you into a new state. To develop new practices, however, you are going to have to face the truth of your current practices (minus the blame, shame, and judgment). In this episode of the Grace & Grit podcast, I am sharing a few tips and tricks on how to do just that. You can listen here: **** Looking for more support?  Join me in the Rumble & Rise arena at **** Are you loving the Grace & Grit Podcast?  Help us keep the mic on! Become a Patron: Leave a Review: Looking for more Grace & Grit? Visi