Pencil Kings | Inspiring Artist Interviews With Today's Best Artists

PK 081: From graduation to working at Disney. We explore just what it takes to get your creative career started and see where it can lead to.



Mike Clarida did everything right coming out of art school. He was talented, and was getting interviews at some of the biggest entertainment companies. There was a problem, however... the timing was all wrong, and instead of going straight off to work at Disney in the beginning - he had to take a different approach. This interview covers what it takes to be a standout art student, why it might be worth paying a ton of money for art school, how to get noticed in a noisy world and at the end of the day keep a smile on your face while you're doing it. This is one episode you won't want to miss because Mike's passion for being creative and his depth of knowledge in forging a successful freelance career comes through crystal clear.