Science And Society

Dr. John Bahcall, Richard Black Professor Natural Sciences, Institute for Advanced Study, 2-23-05



Hubble Space Telescope, solar neutrinos, dark matter, dark energy. Dr. John Bahcall had a long and prolific career in astronomy and astrophysics, spanning five decades and the publication of more than 500 technical papers, books, and popular articles. Dr. Bahcall's original calculations of the expected neutrino output from the sun led to a long, experimental, and intellectual adventure that continues today. The 'solar neutrino problem' has yielded new insights in astrophysics and into the most basic forces of nature. Dr. Bahcall led a major effort to exploit the capabilities of the Hubble Space Telescope in elucidating the properties of quasars, and is recognized for his theoretical work in many different areas of astrophysics, including models of the Galaxy and studies of dark matter.