Double Deuce Podcast

326: Emporia Famous



Don’t freak out, you didn’t miss episode 325, it’s this coming Saturday night, live online, details on the pod fb page. We did episodes out of order to accommodate a “live” show, just like back in the day! The Notes: Equalizing! Will watched the new Equalizer, neither of us has watched the new Walker! Has he even fought a bear yet!? #NotMyWalker! Peacemaker! Robert Patrick costs: he’s worth it, but he costs! The scariest Terminator! Will’s Emporia Corner! Will’s funny little walk has made him Emporia famous! A little bit traumatized but pretty cool! Nelson’s a war sugar expert! Sports Corner! Will’s Chiefs are out and he has emotions about it! Will is in the hole! Eternals! Applebee’s: a Hilarious Mistake! Reminder to catch the live show this Saturday night, 8pm, online, check the fb page for details! Contact Us! Follow Us! Love Us! Email: Twitter & Instagram: @doubledeucepod Facebook: Also, please subscribe/rate/review/share us! We’re on iTunes, A