Karen Rands, Compassionate Capitalist

$150M invested in Newchip Accelerator Startups from Around the World



Karen Rands is joined by Ryan Rafols, the founder of the hot new startup cohort in Austin, TX:  Newchip Accelerator where they offer Silicon Valley moxie to Startups from around the world with amazing results.  Just since 2019, Newchip's 200 graduates have represented 30+ Countries and 150+ Cities.   On average they have raised 17.5x more funding than average startups for a total of more than $150M in funding raised.   Ryan and Karen will discuss the vision behind NewChip and the secret of their success.  Part of their success can be attributed to their rigourous application process on the front end and their connection of graduates to their investment community from around the world on their quarterly demo days.  It is what happens in between that leads to the true success of their program and what squarely puts Ryan and Newchip in the Compassionate Capitalist Movement. Ryan Rafols is the Founder and CEO of Newchip. After multiple startup exits, he launched Newchip to bridge Silicon Valley level mentorship