Mads Singers Management Podcast

MSMP 136: Tarush Aggarwal on Asking Better Questions and Using Data to Your Advantage to Grow Your Business



Today's guest on the Mads Singers Management Podcast is Tarush Aggarwal. Tarush was a software engineer who quickly realized that ranking high on Google was not just for him because no one talked about data. Tarush saw this opportunity and was able to work with a manager who showed him the ropes. This led him to Salesforce and put data engineering on the map. He also led a team for WeWork that supported 1500 employees. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Tarush found himself on a 10-day vacation in Bali, Indonesia, and while the world was going on lockdown, Tarush founded 5x.According to Tarush, data is on the rise, and it is not a trend that will fade away and shape the future of the world. But what makes data exciting is its many uses, from Facebook ads, digital marketing, affiliate marketing, Google ads, and even compiling data on your customers and employees to automate business processes and make things easier for everyone. Once we focus on the data gathered, we can ask better questions to improve our curr