I Love Bookkeeping

Networking for Introverts



Co-hosts Hannah Robinson and Melissa Honan discuss networking as introverts, how to approach events as an introvert, and something you’re currently doing that’s costing you sales opportunities. [1:29] Hannah explains what an introvert is all about. Shy people are often labeled as introverts but that isn’t always the case. Introvert people may enjoy being around people but recharge their batteries when they’re by themselves. [2:27] As Melissa points out, extroverts, on the other hand, are fueled by human interaction. [3:29] Hannah shares a networking for introverts anecdote that dates back to her time as a makeup artist, which is an extroverted industry – and how she has gone about networking as an introvert. [8:20] For Hannah, not being afraid to be new in a particular space and let others know about it can actually be a smart move. [10:34] Melissa discusses an experience that has shaped how she goes about networking today. [17:32] 92% of salespeople will give up after hearing ‘no’ 4 times but 80% of prospect