
Ep 41: The Haunting of Hill House



We read Shirley Jackson's universally loved 1959 gothic novel The Haunting of Hill House and watched its 2018 Netflix adaptation masterfully helmed by Mike Flanagan. We get into the business of terror versus horror, repressed queerness, and of course FOOD, before discussing all 10 episodes of the show. Tune in to hear about our favorite scary moments and which Crain siblings the Radaptations sisters identify with the most! Be on the lookout for our next episode in which we'll discuss the 1999 adaptation titled The Haunting (Owen Wilson gets decapitated in a scene that's not meant to be funny but really, really is). Keep in touch on Twitter @Radaptations and check out other women-hosted movie podcasts in the Lady Pod Squad Network by following #LadyPodSquad.