Career Tipper

Money & Skills S1 Ep. 2: Learning, Up-leveling, & Marketing Your Skills



The Skills Recharged™ conversation continued with Dalan Vanterpool with Careers and Cash Flow during episode two of Money & Skills with Dalan and Michele. We chatted about planning and the benchmarks associated with learning new skills, up-leveling your skills, and marketing your skills. Check out the replay for episode two. Show Notes: [01:15] Michele and Dalan share mindset tips to kick off the week. [03:37] Michele and Dalan share how they met and began collaborating and chatted about their books that retail through Amazon. Michele's book: Confidently You Dalan's book: No Boss, Only Clients [08:50] Hot Topic: Requirements for NYC to start disclosing salaries. [16:12] Discussed cultivating a mindset to launch a job search to land a role paying your market value worth. [16:48] Chatted about identifying a collection of resources to support a job search and questions to ask yourself to solidify a solid plan and identify niches and strategies to maximize your network to advance in your career. [30:06] Spoke