Career Tipper

Date Your Job w/ Kanika Tolver



Episode 58 of The Career Tipper podcast features Tech Leader Kanika Tolver and the author of Career Rehab. During this episode, Kanika shares strategies to rebuild your brand. In addition to rethinking the way, you work by dating your job and insight into launching a career in the tech industry. Michele dedicates this episode to the job seekers and career changers she met at the 2021 Diversity Career Fair hosted by After her session, she enjoyed chatting and coaching with those she met about keeping their stride and skills recharged, competitive, and hire-ready. The career strategy gems shared in this episode can be applied to industries beyond tech, and Michele's wish is that you find them helpful as you navigate your search.  During this episode about dating your job: [00:49] Kanika shares why she wrote her book, Career Rehab [01:56] Kanika explains the difference between the difference of being brand versus being a full-time employee [04:18] Kanika chats about overcoming career hearta