The Chase Jarvis Live Show

Joy is the Way



Do you have a big dream, but you're having trouble making progress? There is one simple thing you can do to start moving, and re-train your brain to operate autonomously,  prioritize joy. Once you make this contract with yourself to pursue joy on a regular basis, you start to create inertia. So how do you get started? Maybe you don't know what action to take? I believe that a hugely under valued element of the equation is joy. You don't need to wait for lighting to strike. You don't need a master grand plan. Just start doing more of the stuff that make you feel more alive, and less of the things that block you or don’t serve you. In this episode I share a few thoughts on how prioritizing joy on a daily basis can have tremendous positive impacts in other area of life. So are YOU following joy? Share this message with a friend who needs to hear it. Enjoy! Have a question? Text me 1-206-309-5177
 Tweet me @chasejarvis --- Today's episode is brought to you by CreativeLive. CreativeLive is the world's largest hub