Movies N Sh*t

Episode 49: Our Bucket List Episode



Welcome back for another edition of Movies N Shit!  We launch today’s episode with some listener feedback regarding our Lethal Weapon Christmas commentary episode (2:50).  A thorough discussion about The Batman highlights the latest installment of Movies We’ve Seen (5:55) since last time, then TV Talk (44:34) includes discussions about Picard, Winning Time, and more!  In Entertainment News (1:03:18) we pay tribute to the man who brought us Six Days Seven Nights, present the definitive take on the Mandela effect as it correlates to 2008’s The Bucket List, and provide some documentary recommendations on how you can educate yourself on the stock market, which is important for movie watchers and non-movie watchers alike.  A brand new Jack Nicholson’s Joker edition of What’s That Movie Line? (1:34:29) precedes this week’s Ivan Reitman edition of Guess That Rotten Tomato Score (1:41:30) before your regularly scheduled Hidden Gem (1:48:49) to wrap things up until next time. Special shout out to l