E-com Sales Tax

Sales Tax Due Diligence is More Important than You Realize.



Due  diligence when merging or acquiring a business is a no brainer. What happens way to often is sales tax is overlooked or not looked at at all! Sales tax is often a major factor in business purchases and could really decimate your bottom line. We believe having an expert in the sales tax area can be an enormous benefit.Additional Questions Answered:What does due diligence for sales tax look like?How would a refund review help?How can Peisner Johnson help the buyer?How can Peisner Johnson help the seller?Why do we look at purchases?If you are looking to merge with, sell, or purchase a company it would be wise to get on a quick What's Next call with us to help determine if there are any red flags. You can schedule your call here: https://peisnerjohnson.com/whats-next/