I Love Bookkeeping

Tips for Newbies: How to Approach Social Media Marketing as a Bookkeeper



There’s no denying: social media is here to stay. But with so many different platforms to choose from, how does one start today? Should one go for a personal or a company page, and how can one reach potential clients on social media? Co-hosts Hannah Robinson and Melissa Honan discuss social media marketing for bookkeepers in their Tips for Newbies series. [0:42] Hannah, who has been the social media manager at Bookkeeping.com for almost five years, kicks off the episode series on social media marketing for bookkeepers. [1:53] As it was mentioned in the previous episode, social media is actually one of the first things Melissa outsourced in her business. [2:39] What social media needs to be on a business’ radar? For Hannah, the top 5 social media platforms at the moment are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and TikTok. Your business may not need all five. What you need to do is 1) determine how important social media is to your business, and 2) determine where your audience resides and go there [4:46] Wha