Kate Hastings Show

365 Days Post Ayahuasca



Integration work is more than just joining a sharing circle, meditating, and eating clean. It signifies facing the shadow, all the forgotten, suppressed, invisible, and unintegrated mental material we left behind as we grew up and into the world.   At a very basic level, ayahuasca integration means cleaning up your act in support of your newly upgraded self. Job, relationships, diet, habits, mindset—all these are up for transformation in the weeks following ceremony. A second aspect of integration involves shadow work. Ayahuasca is a potent activator of the unconscious, bringing buried traumas, forgotten experiences, and rejected aspects of self to the light.  As we continue, a third level of integration emerges: the task of bringing soul to the world, showing up as our true whole selves. We begin to cultivate a way of being that is in touch with what really matters. Ayahuasca can be a very strong mirror.  She works in a way of bringing things up to the  surface, right in front of us. Giving us the  opportuni