The Chase Jarvis Live Show

Creativity Hates Complacency with Maria Brito



Career transitions are often bumpy. New processes, different people, and all the energy that goes into building the skills, network and momentum- no wonder why the comfort of a stable career is prevents many people from pursuing their calling. Change isn't easy. Now imagine you're a working attorney with a promising future and more than a decade of education, testing, and training to get to where you are. That's the scenario my guest on the show today, Maria Brito found herself in. She recalls, "For the years I was an attorney, it was like I had a fake identity." It was clear that law was not her calling. Fast forward to today's episode, and Maria is now an award-winning contemporary art advisor, author, and curator. She has written for publications such as Entrepreneur, Huffington Post, Elle, Forbes...  the list goes on. Complex Magazine named Maria one of the Top 20 Power Players in the Art World. She now teaches creativity courses in companies and, in 2019, she launched “Jumpstart”, an online program on cr