Mads Singers Management Podcast

MSMP 142: Jessica Eastman Stewart on Systems that Support Management to Manage Teams Effectively



Today’s guest on the Mads Singers Management Podcast is Jessica Eastman Stewart. Jessica is a coach, consultant, and the founder of Joyfully Managed Family. This community helps make the day-to-day management of home and family life a little easier and more joyful. A former co-founder for a non-profit organization for ten years and coached leaders, Jessica now creates content where she helps anyone in the world manage their home and family. An intentional manager, Jessica first became a manager back in 2009, and since then, she has loved talking about it, coaching others, and even writing blogs about it.Contrary to popular belief, management doesn’t have to be complicated. Management doesn’t need several steps and processes to make things work. Having simple techniques that work well is much more effective than having several complicated functions. It can be as simple as declaring email bankruptcy, where an email from a month ago is rendered useless and archived immediately because anything important will fin