
Johann Hari and Stephen Fry on Stolen Focus



Why have we lost our ability to focus? What are the causes? And, most importantly, how do we get it back? Join 5x15 to hear about Johann Hari's journey to the heart of this problem and the solutions he found along the way in conversation with the one and only Stephen Fry. Crucially, they will talk about how – as individuals, and as a society – we can get our focus back, if we are determined to fight for it. Stephen Fry has described Stolen Focus as "a beautifully researched and argued exploration of the breakdown of humankind's ability to pay attention." Johann Hari is the author of two New York Times best-selling books: Chasing the Scream: the First and Last Days of the War on Drugs and Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression - and the Unexpected Solutions. His books are being developed for film and television, have been translated into 28 languages and have received praise from a very broad range of people including Oprah, Hillary Clinton, Tucker Carlson, Elton John, Naomi Klein and G