The Chase Jarvis Live Show

Max Lugavere: Can Food Turn Us Into Geniuses?



Max Lugavere is a health and science journalist focused on nutrition, fitness, and wellness. Max’s journey to understanding the power food has on brain function began when was helping his mother, who developed Lewy body dementia. He noticed the doctors doing nothing except trying to manage the symptoms- rather than actually curing the disease. He started learning and applying what we are now learning about the science of food and cooking and kicked off a decade-long journey to understand how to prevent cognitive decline. What he found out was that, “The same steps that we can take that are going to buy us extra years if not possibly decades of cognitive health also improve the way our brains work here and now.” In this episode we dig into: The why behind a Genius Life came from Max’s mom, who developed a rare form of dementia. When the doctors didn’t help, he took it upon himself to research everything he could to help his mom battle her early onset dementia to try to help her live the best life she could.