Mads Singers Management Podcast

MSMP 143: Louise Ledbrook on Reaching Your Goals with Rules and Boundaries



Joining me in today's episode of the Mads Singers Management Podcast is none other than Louise Ledbrook. Louise is a Productivity Specialist, High-Performance Executive Coach, Innovator, Speaker, and Author. She loves helping people transform their lives to achieve their goals in life or their business by fulfilling their dreams. As pointed out by Louise, distractions are the number one cause of stunted growth in businesses. Still, it is not always the fault of the business leaders and managers, but rather it is because most of them are not equipped with the knowledge and skills to manage or know the tips and tricks. This often sets many business leaders and managers to fail. And with how society is made up today, where many of us are constantly on our phones, we are constantly bombarded with beeping notifications. We tend to lose our way from important work that needs to be done. The illusion of being available makes us unproductive, causing us to get fatigued over time. Not everything needs to end up on you