F-stop Collaborate And Listen

Jeanie Sumrall-Ajero - Finding Your Why



Finding your why as a photographer is a noble life-long pursuit that can lead to many wonderful and satisfying years of creative exploration and output. On today's podcast, we are joined by nature photographer Jeanie Sumrall-Ajero to discuss her journey as a photographer and her pursuit of finding her why. Jeanie and I get into the weeds a bit on her past evocations, but be sure to stick through our chat as there are some valuable lessons to be gleaned from what she shares. On this week's episode, we discuss: Jeanie's wild journey in life as a software engineer, massage therapist, English teacher, and business owner; How Jeanie suffered from major burn-out in her career and how it has impacted her approach to photography; Jeanie's former business creating software for quilt-makers and how that business informs her views; Jeanie's experiences as an English teacher in Vietnam; How a tragic wild fire inspired Jeanie to work on a photography project; Jeanie's thoughts on Instagram and other social media; And a lo