Wanda's Picks

Wanda's Picks Radio Show



We spoke to Quincy Troupe, author, poet, about his latest work, "Duende." It is a collection that spans 50 years of a creative life fully embodied. Taped in Zoom, this audio only approximates the honor it is to speak to such a magnificent human being 3 months before his 83rd revolution around so(u)l.  He has a few more appearances this month: 1. National Poetry Month: Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, NY Public Library, Iris Project, Thursday, April 14 (free, in person and virtual) https://www.eventbrite.com/e/between-the-lines-duende-poems-1966-now-by-quincy-troupe-tickets-302280518167 2. With Mildred Howard and David Murray at the close of the "The House that Will not Pass for Any Color than Its Own." Friday, April 16, from 4 to 6pm at Belvedere Plaza (just north of the North Cove Marina) to mark the end of the artwork’s stay in Manhattan’s Battery Park City. 3. Poet, Quincy Troupe | DUENDE: Poems 1966- Now | Reading & Book Signing at the Carrie Chen Gallery on Saturday, Apr