Ladies of the Fright

LOTF 78: Horror Girls Night Out with Jessica Guess & Hailey Piper



Okay, so it wasn’t really a “girls night out”—but it really did feel like one! In truth, Hailey Piper and Jessica Guess joined Mackenzie Kiera and me on Zoom (I was in my pajamas—I can’t speak for the other ladies!) but this is one of the most fun conversations we’ve ever had on the show. It was a great time, filled with lots of laughs—and some deep reflections. We talked about some of our favorite reads from 2021—and we also wet pretty deep on the connections between the romance and horror genres. It’s a fantastic conversation that got me really thinking for long after, and I think you’ll really enjoy it. We last spoke to Hailey Piper in episode 54, and Jessica Guess in episode 60. If you want more of their personal and individual stories, feel free to check those conversations out! Also, thank you so much for your patience in waiting for new episodes. It’s been a really rough year for me so far, with several illnesses (including cover) and physical set backs. We had to take an unintended hiatus but please