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David Southern - A Voyage of Discovery in Photography



Photography can be a life-long pursuit that takes many shapes, sizes, and paths. On today's podcast episode, we explore the path of David Southern, a photographer living on the coast of northeast United Kingdom. David's voyage of discovery through photography started a long time ago on a trip to Chile and through a career in Information Technology with the World Wildlife Fund. Ever since I saw the images he submitted in the Natural Landscape Photography Awards, I knew David Southern would make for an interesting guest here on the podcast. On this week's episode, we discuss: David's photography journey - a voyage of discovery. David's adventures into South America. How David balanced his career in IT and his passion for photography. How David transitioned into doing photography full-time. Exploring themes in David's work. And a lot more! Other topics discussed on the podcast this week: Support the show on Patreon. The Parhelion Collective. David's book, Shoreline. Here is who David recommended on the podcast