The Chase Jarvis Live Show

Are your relationships supporting your creativity?



Have you ever asked yourself how your relationships influence your creativity or the pursuit of your dreams? Or the inverse, how how being a creator impacts the relationships in your life? Taking into account the time and energy required to run a business or pursue dreams with a two year inversion of normality, it makes sense that some friends and family don't always see the best version of us. In this episode, we explore how our relationships impact our creativity and visa versa and what more we can do to cultivate human connection.  A few notes from the show: Where to start? Self awareness. Your ability to read the room and understand your role in whatever social scenario you find yourself is a skill that can be honed and improved. Who's judgement really matters? Brené Brown keeps a 1x1 inch square piece of paper with a list of the few people who she truly respects their opinions. Rather than get distracted by the criticisms and praise of strangers, focusing on being the best version of yourself to the peop