Spartacus Roosevelt Podcast

Spartacus Roosevelt Podcast, Episode 194: Blue Chips



"Dawn of Mirrors" by Umberto from Alienation; "Take Vows" by Vatican Shadow from Media in the Service of Terror; "Chimes Broken" by Holy Fuck from Congrats; "La or Stormy Sky" by Bitchin' Bajas and Olivia Wyatt from Sailing a Sinking Sea; "Baby Step Giant Step" by Plaid from The Digging Remedy; "Crimes Against Crimes" by The Prince of Space from Oublie; "Zendegi (Part 1)" by Zuze from Zaar; "Nothing.02" by Tito Fiasco from Crepitement; "Swell" by Yojo from Abduction; Much of Nothing Yan CD One.