Leadership Mindset - Think, See, Do

046 – How Curiosity Can Fuel Your Success – Interview Charlie Whyman



My latest podcast interview was with Charlie Whyman, expert marketer and head of B2B Curious Marketing. She is also my wonderful Marketing Coach! Charlie has sold olive oil from Sardinia, laser scanners at the bottom of gold mines and drones to commercial ships! She knows what marketing works, what doesn’t and she helps business leaders avoid the marketing injuries that cause pain and ensure the focus is on proven strategies that work. Outside of work Charlie has a young son, is a keen cyclist and is a total tech geek! On the Podcast: • We also spoke in depth about the importance of remaining CURIOUS and CREATIVE in what you do and how to make sure you do that on a regular basis. • Charlie’s journey to where she is now and how being curious and creative has played a big part in her success • How leaders can tap into their curiosity and creativity more and why this is so important • Challenges Charlie has had with her own thinking and mindset on her journey and her strategies with this including “Slow down to