Crushing Classical

Leslie Tagorda: Creating a Career Out of the Things You Love



On today’s podcast, you’ll hear my interview with Leslie Tagorda: Brand Astrologer, Designer, Podcast Host, Professional Clarinetist. The story of how she created and evolved her business is so inspiring to me, and I know it will be to you as well. I hope you enjoy the episode!    Leslie Tagorda helps spiritual entrepreneurs become the luminary leaders they were born to be. As a multiracial brand astrologer, designer, podcast host and author, Leslie revealed her calling when a crisis in her business identity led her to her natal chart where the AstroBrand™ method revealed itself combining business astrology, branding and leadership. Today she teaches this method to visionary entrepreneurs and changemakers globally to help them affirm, embrace and amplify their Star-Powered Purpose.  Connect with Leslie on Instagram @newmooncreativeco, in her Facebook group, or enjoy her podcast, The Savvy Luminary!  Thinking of trying FONS to streamline scheduling and payment for your music studio? Click HERE for my affiliate