I Love Bookkeeping

The Key to Referral Agreements with Tax Preparers



How can bookkeepers and tax preparers build relationships that provide better customer support? Co-hosts Hannah Robinson and Melissa Honan share their thoughts on how bookkeepers and tax preparers can gain insight into each other's practices and improve client outcomes by building better working relationships. Melissa talks about why, as a bookkeeper, it's always a good idea to collaborate with tax preparers in your space. She also explains how a bookkeeper and a tax preparer working for the same client can make the client's life easier by collaborating. Melissa reveals how millennial or introverted bookkeepers can take the first step and reach out to the tax preparers in their space. Hannah and Melissa explain why you'll always be on the winning side if you constantly operate in your clients’ best interests. Hannah asks Melissa how she maintains her relationships with the tax preparers in her network. Hannah and Melissa discuss how bookkeepers and tax preparers can communicate their needs to each other with