Double Deuce Podcast

344: The Jingle Episode!



Zooming it this week, it was too hot to fuck around without finding out. But I do completely lose track of time so you get like 10 extra minutes of Deucing! It’s democracy in action! Here’s the Notes: Live Show coming, late July, start limbering up, details coming soon! Will is making family moves! Will sings some jingles! Will’s noodle betrayal story! Noodles & Com-pa-ny, Noodles & Com-pa-ny! Will was made to look a fool in front of regular people! Will wants to be lied to about the big stuff! We have the friendliest malice! Will calls Nelson a robot sympathizer when he’s clearly a robot abolitionist! End credits rap, please! #DDDragnetRapMeUp! How Will failed democracy this week! The lighter side of failing democracy! Breaking News: Will is not seeking reelection! What’s the per capita murder rate at Exchange City! Talking about The Stuff! Nelson would have charged more for certain kinds of the Stuff! Kids, keep all your time machine things in the same place! Nelson has added it to his time machine