I Love Bookkeeping

How to Have Originality In Your Business



How important is it to have originality in your business? Is it even possible to be creative as a bookkeeper? Co-hosts Hannah Robinson and Melissa Honan discuss why originality is a bookkeeper’s greatest weapon and how creativity leads to business success. Hannah and Melissa start by describing their creative backgrounds and how being creative helps in building originality. Melissa reveals, for the first time, that she initially went to college for fashion design - This is the primary reason she has such an easy time coming up with creative ideas. Melissa explains how the less creative bookkeepers can build originality in their business by outsourcing or delegating tasks that demand creativity. Hannah breaks down the misconceptions around creativity and originality - she also goes through some easy-to-implement hacks bookkeepers can use to differentiate themselves from the competition. Melissa explains how analytical bookkeepers can turn their businesses into creativity hubs by experimenting with the brandin