Double Deuce Podcast

347: Mister Fancy Mouth



Hey, hey! Zoomed this one. Things were a little hectic what with national birthdays and close contact covid exposures, so we zoomed. It’s Fourth of July weekend, so happy Fourth of July for the things that are still good about America and the dwindling things we can still love ironically as democracy continuously erodes into ethnonationalist theocracy. We don’t really get into the holiday or the stripping of rights that, as always, largely hurts women, bipoc, and lgbtq people, and especially those that check multiple of those boxes. We don’t get into it because we try to be a place you can go when you don’t have the emotional bandwidth at the moment for other pods that do it better and you want a reprieve. Nelson particularly likes Crooked Media’s Hysteria. It was in our list of topics to hit, but that almost never works for us and we just end up going where we go unless we crash. Which is certainly a shortcoming of ours, and we apologize. But, regardless, rest assured that we hate fascists, and we hate relig